What do you do, when someone youve known your entire life, turns out to be someone completely different then who you thought they were?
I have said, a million times, that as much as you know someone, you never REALLY know everything about them. I live by it...i swear by it. And it has constantly been the right advice to myself.
Turns out, someone I know, VERY we...let me rephrase, someone I THOUGHT i knew well, has been a coke addict for the past 2 years....he's broke up with his fiance, and moved in with his parents.
Now, the social service worker in me, says "Okay PP, you've done this a million times. Coke, no problem. Lets look at our options, and resources available." And once the persons been councelled, and spoken to...and supported *not to keep doing coke, but a supportive friendly ear*, they move on their way, and you can take them by the hand, but you can only lead them so far.....
However, this time, its someone that I know, and totally love and care about. Im having trouble processing that concept in my brain. XXX is a coke addict.....I can say the words, but Its not registering. How is this possible??? I ve seen this person at least 100 times in the past 2 years. How did I not SEE it....I do realize that I am not perfect, and that I didnt see it, becuase it wasnt something that I was looking for. I never would have thought to look for it.
Now, again, the SS worker in me pipes up and says "PP...at least he's come forward about it. Hes said something, which is always the hardest step. He could have not said anything, and found himself in jail eventually...cause thats where he would have wound up. But he's talking about it, which is a positive step towards recovery...It will still be a LONG road, but at least hes facing the right direction."
And then, i think about who it is, and I feel completely helpless....and lost...and think that no matter how good I am at my job, Ive always been able to detach. I cant detach from this person. Im stuck with them....and in that realization, my entire sense of what is real, has come crashing down around me.....and im staring at the peices thinking "What the fuck do we do now??"