Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I find it hard to believe that the last time I posted something was almost a month ago. I sincerely havent forgotten about any of you, but have just been so busy.....

As everyone in my life has heard so many times over the past 6 weeks....Between March 20, and May 20, I only had Easter Monday off....1 day off. 2 months.

So, as you can imagine, i've been ridiculously busy. However, With only 7 days of teaching placement left *which I can hardly believe becuase it feels like yesterday I was saying "Oh my god...I have 14 weeks of placement"*, Im just about finished, and life will start to get back to quasi normal.

I did manage a quick 4 day trip to Vancouver and Seattle but that's about it.

HOWEVER.....as busy as I am between placement and working, and as much as Ive had to do, my teaching placement gave way to something that I never thought I would see ever again....It gave me something that I only just thought about last week, and actually looked for on EBAY to buy....this placement has given me back a piece of my childhood.

This placement, gave me Mr. Mugs Workbooks. 3 of them. I honestly havent seen these workbooks since I was in grade 1. But I remembered them all the way until now. These were the books that taught me how to read and write. You wanna talk about Nostalgia?? THIS is the epitomy of nostalgia.

How many of you remember these books??


Jennifer said...

Awwwww! I totally remember Mr. Mugs! But I thought I'd see if there was a Wikipedia entry on it and there is but it says that the kids were Pat and Cathy, but I thought it was Curt and someone... Jan maybe....
I loved those Mr. Mugs books.

Princess Pessimism said...

YOURE RIGHT!!! it is Curt and Jan. Shall I photocopy the book for you, for nostalgia too?

Anonymous said...

I loved Mr. Muggs!

... and in the french workbooks, I loved Zip, Zap and Zop (er, I think that's what their names were).

Amichai said...

Maybe it's because I'm not Canadian, or that I went to a private Jewish Dayschool until the eight grade, but I have never heard of Mr. Muggs until right now.

Miss Ash said...

Oh yeah Mr. Mugs, I liked him. I also remember zip, zap, zop from our French texts, they were aliens i believe.

Lindsey said...

LOL...I dont' remember that. But it's totally something I'd be into!

Natalia said...

I don't...but I wasn't brought up here. I do remember the books with which I learned English. And it's such a nostalgic feeling.


Big Ben said...

If I had those books I don't remember. Probably were not needed for the advanced students (kidding!).

SS said...

Hmmmm... It doesn't bring back any memories for me.

Anonymous said...

I have the workbooks as well!!! I will never get rid of them!