Monday, January 16, 2006

Oh Happy Day

Although Linny commented by asking me to post something new, as she was tired of looking at that penis "Wally", in a confessional email, she told me that the real reason she wanted a new post, was because it was turning her on. I'm SORRY linny, the public needs to know. =)

I had company over the other day, and they were watching Dr. Phil. There was a guest on saying that she had broken up with her serious boyfriend a number of times because of trust issues, or personal insecurities. He looks at her and says "Why do you want this drama in your life? Do you get bored that easliy?" She looks at him and says something along the lines of "I dont know", and he says "People who get bored easily have a tendancy to create drama, or invite drama into their lives, becuase it keeps them entertained." And Since avoiding drama is my own personal new years resolution, I really payed very close attention.

I have discussed this with Jenny and Ashley, and they'll confirm that I get EXTREMELY bored rediculously easy......And so i've vouched to myself to no only avoid Drama this year, but have agreed to extend my resolution to Avoid Boredom!!! As I now believe the two are intrinsically linked....getting rid of one will help get rid of the other. But as it now seems, boredom is the key to a life time of drama.

Things are slowly turning around for me....I was up when the sun was still asleep, and got ready to go to the bookstore to grab all of my books used. I managed to get 350 dollars worth of books for 75. And then, right after that, I went to see a professor about a paper I wrote last semester that was holding my grade back from a B-. I asked him to regrade the paper as I believed I did better on it than I actually got. HE was EXTREMELY grouchy about and threatened to lower my grade.....I went back today, he pulled my paper out, agreed that the paper deserved a better grade, and increased me a percent *still leaving me at a C-*....he confessed to me that he hated leaving students right on the cusp of a new grade, and AGREED to give me a B- in the course!!! HORRAYYYYY! On the condition that I dont tell one person about it....and technically, no one from that class reads this blog, so i'm not too worried...especially since I never disclosed what course it was.

This is turning out to be a GREAT day.


Px said...

you must be aware that sometimes it isn't you that is suffering from the boredom that is creating the drama...other people are probably out there being bored and creating drama in your life...
much like they seem to do in mine from time to time

Natalia said...

Yaay pn the grade change. Although I don't change grades because I make sure I grade fairly the first time. Hehe...

And OMG $350 to $! You so absolutely rock.


Jennifer said...

PP, you have to avoid bored people not boring people! I hope that was a typo.

Amichai said...

I might have to disagree with Dr. Phil (which happens often as I don't trust any doctor that goes by his/her first name - but Dr. Phil is a whole other rant). I don't create drama when I'm bored, it is the drama itself that bores me.

Princess Pessimism said...

Jenny - Bored people, AND people that Bore me....therefore Boring people. Ugh....Complex....

Hernesto - STOP......demented......

Amichai - See...the drama entertains me constantly...i think it's hilarious. So i need to avoid it. When drama entertains me, I invite it into my life, and people bring it to me. If I avoid it, or refuse to accept it, it will be better.

Lindsey said...

Oh you make me laugh and want to strangle you at the same time...LOL. Just kidding.

You know that since I'm not getting any action...I take what I can get...even if it is made of clay.

rawbean said...

Once you achieve your non-drama life you will be sitting on the sofa, staring at the wall...with the phone of the hook in the back ground (It will be making that annoying sound). You won't like it.

I say enjoy a smidge of drama from time to time!

Princess Pessimism said...

Linny - LOL!!! you laughed...admit it. And Wallys probably made of foam laytex, not clay....although you'd probably not get as much use with foam laytex. LOL!!!

Rawbean - I agree....drama in moderation is fun.

Trib said...

Well played! Grade change, money saved, and less stress in your life!

yrautca said...

Did this involve you sleeping with the grouchy professor? If i were the professor I would have requested at least that.

I didnt know you guys got Dr Phil in Canada. I didnt know you guys had TVs. Hell, I didnt know you guys had electricity.

PP, I prefer a dramatic you. I like the drama you create with your millionaire beau and your loser, gay-bashing boyfriend wannabe.

Px said...

and you do realise that if you avoid drama/boredom/bored and boring people you'll not have anything to inspire you for blogging purposes!
and then we'll all suffer

berly02 said...

Way to fight for your grade. Very impressive.

Phil said...

Please don't listen to or take Dr. Phil seriously. The guy is a hack. As a therapist named Phil I also am unbelieveably tired of people calling me Dr. Phil, especially since I hate the man so much.

SS said...

Oh my gosh -- you should be a lawyer since obviously you are very convincing in your debates with professors =)

Did you ever see the movie Clueless? In that movie Alicia Silverstone persuades all her teachers to up her grades for various reasons and he Dad says "You used your power of persuasion to get your teachers to change your grades? I couldn't be more proud of you if you had actually earned these grades yourself." That always makes me laugh. Of course, your case is different since you had to persuade your teacher to give you the grade you DESERVE. So, way to go!

Jennifer said...

You remind me of that poor guy in the movie Office Space whose name is Michael Bolton which was a perfectly good name until that ass-clown Michael Bolton came along!

Princess Pessimism said...

Trib - ALL elements of happier days....and better GPAs

Yrautca - There was no sleeping with the grouchy professor. I doubt highly that i'm his he talked about his life partner Mark a number of times

You know we JUST got the digital clock not too long ago...before that, we were using sundials still.

And as for the drama...dont encourage me. I'm trying to be better.

PX - I'm STILL fun, and still lead a hilarious comedy of a life....there will be plenty to entertain you with. Promise.

Berly - Thanks girl.

Princess Pessimism said...

Dr. Phil - Ohh....dont be so serious, he's not ALL crazy. I mean, I can only speak from the 2 episodes i've ever seen, and the millions of fans he's accumulated. Although, being in the same mild field as you are, I recognize the need of the general public to cling to anyone who can provide them some sort of answer to their troubles in life....regardless of what they are.

S.Subs - LOL!!! how RIGHT you are. That is SO funny....and after all the mistakes I made on that paper *in terms of not sourcing the way they wanted me to...or using all the references they wanted me to* I'm not TOO sure that i deserved the grade change, but i'll take it.

Jenny - LOL!!! Isnt that FUNNY? Go to Phil's blog in a day or so, I predict a post about the subject. LOL!

Px said...

did you notice i was good and didn't tag you (because you're no fun and wouldn't do it anyway)

Princess Pessimism said...

PX - Oh quit bitching....LOL

Px said...

hey i was good though...ktmae wasn't though...she tagged you and ONLY you :P