Monday, January 08, 2007

A quickie

...Ya....that just about sums it up.


Px said...

heh heh :)

Anonymous said...

Is that supposed to be Dubya? Or just some crazy, old man with his fingers in his ears? Or what's the diff?

Miss Ash said...

I freaking love this's so funny!!!

Princess Pessimism said...

What - LOL!!! Ya. it totally is. But you're absolutely right, there isnt much difference between those two.

Ash - Im thinking of using it as my blogger display picture.

SS said...

NO! Don't get rid of Cindy Lou Who! (or is it Cindy Lou Hoo?) Either way, Cindy Lou is too cute. Don't leave her in the dust.

Phil said...

Hey Princess! I wrote a blog post just for you.

Amichai said...

Er... alright.

And I know that this has nothing to do with your post, but looking at Phil's icon, I realized he looks very much like someone I used to work for back in college. Down to the gotee, haircut and everything. It's kinda eerie actually.

Steven said...

I ran around the house like that yesterday when my wife told me to take out the trash. :)


Natalia said...

ROTFL! Indeed. Thanks..I needed the laugh.


Lindsey said...


Princess Pessimism said...

Sexy - Dont you think its time for a change?? Cindy Loo is already out of date.

Phil - Thanks...but no comment about the political jab here...tsk tsk. You should really try being less self centered

Amichai - You must post a picture of this young chap on your blog, if you do indeed have one.

Steve - I feel like that when people ask me to eat things like onions, or mushrooms, do crafts, or do the dishes

Nat & Linny - Agreed.

berly02 said...

Where did you find that pic?

Princess Pessimism said...

berly - i was looking for a political cartoon about nafta for an assignment, but found that one instead..And i laughed until I cried.

Anonymous said...

Nevermind the image...

PP has been rendered almost speechless. I thought that day would never come (and, honestly, I'm too amused by you to ever wish that!)

Is school swallowing all your words?

Katie said...

i love it!

Princess Pessimism said...

Bleph - LOL!!! not speechless love. I just thought that that pictre didnt need any words.

KT - YAY!!! Where have you been?

Big Ben said...

How much longer till GWB is gone?

Princess Pessimism said...

Ben - Are you asking becuase you're sick of the picture? or the president? LOL