Tuesday, March 21, 2006

MTV Canada Launch

Okay...so my brother in law is one of those guys....you know the type. Whenever there's a band, pot smoking snowboarder, or celebrity to be found, hes the one chasing them with a video camera, conducting interviews for MTV Canada.

He's been galavanting around the globe on tour with Simple Plan, filming something, and a bunch of other things for the Launch of MTV Canada, that happens today at 6pm. I dont know the details of it, all I know is that he's been a busy boy...late nights, and lots of travel.

Anyway, today is (obviosuly) the launch of MTV Canada, and he promises that whatever they're doing, is going to be big, and tres chick. *Maybe he'll be so kind to post a comment and let you know the specifics* I guess the channel is different all over the place, so check your local listings.

Anyway, the website also launches today at 6pm.....their website is www.mtv.ca

*Big Thanks to PX for coaching me through turning writing into a link!

I get a lot of traffic on this blog, so he harassed me into posting about it. LOL!! Kidding.

So that's the skinny kids. Too bad we all cant go to the launch party tonight...it's probably gonna be good...And having connections like this should be good for at LEAST a few pairs of decent concert tickets!!!

Dont forget to tune in!!! Channel AND website launch is at 6pm tonight!!!


Jennifer said...

It's on the old CTV Talk TV channel, I don't know if I get it anymore, since we scaled back our cable.

Jennifer said...

Oh and I also want to know how to turn text into links, PX?

Lindsey said...

My fucking blog has disappeared! I am so pissed...in case anyone was wondering where the hell it is. I've e-mailed blogger so they've got some explaining to do.

Miss Ash said...

I do not have cable *sigh* so i will not be able to watch, as well i'm working late tonight.

I'm such a moron, i've always had trouble with the links as well, i have tried to type the addy into the link button area and it never worked. Now i know why LOL.

Princess Pessimism said...

Jennifer - Thanks for coming through with a channel.

Slop - Ya? Well...where were you a few hours ago with that information?

Linny - So please, feel free to use my comment section for your own personal advertisements. LOL!!! Thanks for letting us know.

Miss Ash - You and me both...but I will at least check out the webpage.

Anonymous said...

Miss Ash,
You can watch on www.mtv.ca!

Trib said...

That would be a fun job.

JM said...

Are you in any of the videos?

Princess Pessimism said...

Angel - LOL...not yet.

Josh said...

Wow that is exciting. Has he met anyone famous? Can he hook me up :)

Px said...

jennifer, it's easy to do

Jennifer said...

My work computer is a mac with a mac browser, I don't get all the buttons on the top of my new post area. I'll try it at home though.

berly02 said...

That sounds awesome. How did he get a job like that?

Princess Pessimism said...

Liz - Not before he hooks me up with anyone famous. I'm at the front of the line! LOL!!

Berly - His cousin is one of the executives I think..or something like that. Years ago, he used to work at CTV, but did internship for a long time, and then they hired him. Then he left for a few years to have a family, and when MTV announced that they were moving to canada, his cousin contacted him, and offered him a job.

SS said...

Coolest job ever! I will sooo move to Canada if he can hook me up with a gig there.

rawbean said...

I watched last night thanks to you Princess P - a little "The Real World - Key West"

Lindsey said...

what a cool job that is!!!

Phil said...

If I find you a great guy through my online dating service will you get your brother in law to give me my own show on MTV Canada?

Princess Pessimism said...

Phil, You arent Canadian..Canadians only....You have your Own MTV =)