Monday, May 08, 2006

Blogger Confessional© I confess...I forgot.

I didnt even realize until last night, that I didnt post a confessional.

I have been SO bloody busy getting ready for vegas, and the grand canyon, that the only thing that I HAVE had time for, is calling Jennifer and Miss Ash and Dawn, to tell them how excited I am about going to Vegas and the Grand Canyon.

This week...uhh...lets see.

Shopping, shopping, shopping and more shopping. In Windsor, and Detroit. That pretty much sums it up. Shopping and phone calls....I'm SO exciting.

OH...although, I did start my beginner Italian course today, as my language requirements for teachers college...what a fucking joke that class is going to be....

The neighbors across the street had a party on saturday. They had all these cars parked in their yard, and when they started to leave, you could hear them all driving into one another. It was a real live version of bumper cars....mighty funny...And then, after everyone had left, the guy and his girl decided to have sex on the front yard. CLASSY!!!

Got my grades back, all A's people...christ i'm smart.

Thats it....its been all about the trip. We looked up the most poisonous critters in arizona, and I swore to Jenni that I wouldnt point it out to anyone if I saw one. I dont want anyone jumping on me.

Have a great week everyone....


yrautca said...

Do you people realize half my readership will be in Vegas this week when I will be bent over my books? My blog's visits is gonna take a serious hit.

Be safe out there you girls and have fun and use protection for god's sake. South Dakota just banned abortions.

Px said...

hmmm...confessional...this will cause a stir i'm sure
i got back with my ex

SS said...

Sex on the front lawn -- who hasn't done that? (Well, me actually, but I thought it sounded good).

So, Vegas is upon you now. How exciting!!! Where did you shop at in Detroit? Anywhere I might know?

Princess Pessimism said...

Yrautca - LOL!!! Thats right...we will all be away. Well, maybe you should put your blog on hiatus until you are done your gspb...or whatever its called.

Slop - THANKS!!! OVER the grand canyon??? Ive heard of skill, but thats going to be impressive.


S.Subs - I just went into dearborn to Fairlane. PLUS we went to the target on Ford road...I Love target, and it was the only reason that I wanted to go to the states to begin with, but the person I went to target with, hated it, so rushed me through it in like 20 minutes. BOOO

Px said...


Tokyo Tintin said...

PP, you should force everyone in your ay-talian class to watch this movie 'italian for beginners'.

at the end of the course, instead of everyone running away to venice, you can all run away to vegas and get hitched. molto bene!

Jennifer said...

I confess that I've had sex in the back yard, but never the front.

berly02 said...

Congrats on all A's and BE CAREFUL IN VEGAS!!
That place can make someone an entireley new person . . .

Natalia said...

Oh yaay all As...very proud of you.

And yaay for sex in the front lawn...yaay for sex anywhere, actually :)


Miss Ash said...

Yay no more phone calls :)

Did you take photos of your neighbours? At Jennifers a few weeks ago we saw a couple just finishing off. Her balcony got crowded rather quickly when we announced naked people could be seen.

Lindsey said...

All 'A's'...that's awesome!!!

Remind me again...when are you guys leaving?

Trib said...

Congratulations, smart girl.

Lindsey said...

By the way...i read "Can you keep a secret" by that chic who does the Shopaholic books....

Hysterical! I laughed and laughed and laughed.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Lindsey said...

Are the other one's as funny?

rawbean said...

Have fun guys!!

Princess Pessimism said...

PX - When did that happen?? HOW did that happen???

Tintin - The "ay"talian teacher was kissing my ass because only me and this other girl in my class could speak enough to understand what she was talking about. However, she does want us all to go out for dinner at the end of class as a group....LOL!!!

Jennifer - You're laying on my floor doing stretches right now. LOL!!! Which I assume come in handy for back yard sex.

Berly - Thats what Im hoping for, to come back a new person. =)

Natalia - Thats a smartie.

Princess Pessimism said...

Miss Ash - I wont call you anymore, promise...although, I'll have the free big chew all ready for you!!! LOL!!!!!

Trib - Thanks buddy!!

Rawbean - Thanks..we will.

Linny 1 - We leave in about 12 hours.

Linny 2 - I told was funny!!!

Linny 3 - Yes. They are all that funny.

Px said...

last weekend
because it's meant to be

Princess Pessimism said...

PX - Well...good luck with that!

Px said...

thanks :)

JM said...

Congrats on the grades!

Big Ben said...

That party was great. I was horny, the lawn looked nice, I had sex on the front yard.

Josh said...

Congrats on those grades!

I am expecting to see the sex pictures up no later than Tuesday ;)