Sunday, August 20, 2006


See, heres the thing. I dont get how like 12 year olds have expensive expensive accessories. Coach bags, Armani sunglesses, Tiffany jewelry, Louis Vuitton purses....

See, I have those things. I do, I wont lie. *exept i dont like Louis Vuitton, i think the design is hideous*....And the thing about my accessories is, I hate knock offs. I do, I hate them. I dont own a knock off, and will never own a knock off. If I want the original bad enough, i'll save up, and buy it myself, or ask for it for christmas/birthday.

However, what does a 12 year old need with a 300 dollar purse? Theyve only got one thing to put inside of it anyway. Cell phones. A 12 year old with an expensive purse...and a cell phone. I dont see how this can say anything good about our society.

Kids are too fucking spolied. Thats what it comes down to. Expensive clothes, cell phones, whining and temper tantrums, designer shoes and accessories. I dont know if im just getting older and hate everyone under the age of 20....or if its a generational thing. I wonder if when I was 18, 28 year olds looked at our age group, and thought the same thing....


Trib said...

My kids are not going to have all the designer stuff and they're just going to have to deal with it. If that means I'll suck as a parent, then I guess I'll suck, but my kids will have character.

Miss Ash said...

I agree with Big Ben, i don't see the need for a $300 purse. I've been known to splurge every now and again on over priced items but certainly do not make a habit of it. I'd rather save my money for travelling.

Natalia said...

Ummm yeah, there is that, and how sexualized they are, and how they seem to run the household, as opposed ot their parents. Too much emphasis is put on making the kids happy and that's only making them unhappy because they can't grow into good human beings. can tell this is a sore spot.


Amichai said...

I think this is what it boils down to. We want what we see on TV.

Just think about all the horrid clothes you used to wear because of Madonna or MC Hammer, back in the 80's and early 90's. Because they were our pop hero's we tried to dress like them.

The big pop hero's (and I use the term hero very, very loosely), the people featured in all the papirazi and MTV and such, Paris Hilton, Nicole (er I don't know her last name but she's the chick who got famous for being rich and hanging out with Paris Hilton). Lindsay Lohan, and so forth. They are all rich and buy crazy designer stuff, thus the young girls who see them on TV and are influenced by them also want said stuff.

In addition, shows like Will and Grace and Sex in the City bring Haute Couture back down to the masses. I hope that no one really wants to dress the way that they had "carrie Bradshaw" dressed, but the new hot fashion trends would always be discussed on the show. From shoes to bags to who knows what else. It's the new feminism saying you can be all girly and spoiled with only the most expensive accesories, but still be independant, and such. Which isn't neccisarliy wrong, only it sorta makes the girls think that's the only way they should express their femininity and independance.

We had our own stupid trends when we were younger, as did our parents. It's just the way we are. I bet that in ten-fifteen years the trend will be towards looking dirt poor and all the kids now in their tweens with the expensive gear will be our age and wonder what's the deal with the kids looking dirt poor.

I think it's wrong for any parent to over indulge their children, regardless as to the trend or how much it costs.

And anyone caught up in said trends and judge someone's status based on what they own needs to get a real life (not accusing you, this is accusing the people you are talking about).

Anonymous said...

I don't remember ever owning anything designer when I was growing up and I turned out all right (relatively speaking of course) I agree with Miss Ash, I would much rather save that extra money for something special that will still mean something to me ten years from now

JM said...

I mentioned something about this in my last post. I also wonder why kids need anything beyond the basic cell phone.

yrautca said...

Yeah and then they put them in bikini tops and put them out on the road to attract strange men so they can make a few bucks washing cars.

Everyone under age 20 should be killed.

Princess Pessimism said...

Sexy - I think when it gets to that point, that parents who spend that much money on their kids are more concerned with being a cool parent, than a good parent. And I totally stick by that

Trib - Mine too. I want them to relize the value of things....

Bne - By hipsack, do you really mean, Fanny pack?? And its not so much about buying a 300 dollar purse, or possibly expensive than that, its about the rataionale behind it. Of course no one NEEDS a 300 dollar purse, but there are people, *like me* who do own them...its frivolity...thats what it comes down to. But 12 year olds arent old enough to be frivolous.

Miss Ash - Of course you do. But then again, it all comes down to personal preference. Thats my point, we are old enough to have the means to have personal preference, 12 year olds arent.

Natalia - Yes, I can, and i completely agree with you. No child of mine will dress like a 12 year old prostitute. I have worked on the other side of residential, I have seen 14 year old pregnancies...the problem is, they dont understand the real meaning of responsibility, and its actually part of the reason i dont want children. Can you imagine what society will be like in another 10 years??? ugh, I dread to think.

Princess Pessimism said...

Amichai - I couldnt agree more. And it does have a lot to do with pop culture *a term which I also use lightly*...especially when all those people that you just mentioned, put out their own clothing lines, perfume, jewley etc, at quasi-designer prices. Like seriously...Jessica Simpson does NOT need 20 dollars for a bottle of that candy body lotion. Nicole's last name is ritchie. And as for the trend of looking dirt happened already. In the earely 90's. It was called Grunge. LOL!!!

Dawn - I also dont remember owning ONE thing that was designer. That only happened to me when I moved to MA. That was my first purse, and I was allowed to spend 100+ on it. Whats the difference...I know some people, that havelike 10 purses, 30 dollars each. Id rather have ONE good purse that I love and use all the time, rather than 10 purses, that I use randomly.

Angel - Why do they need a cell phone to begin with??? Borrow your parents. Thats all you need

CC - I have NOT seen that, but that is truely terrifying.

Yrautca - I know, I read that on your blog...thats sickening. If I ever have a daughter, she will not try to sell something using her body. And if she does...boot camp.

Lindsey said...

Why does anyone need a $300 purse?

I got mine for $12.99 at Walmart.

Princess Pessimism said...

Linny - But how many 12.99 purses have you bought in your lifetime? Its the same comment I left for dawn. I might have bought an expensive purse, but the first purse I bought was 2 years ago...and have only bought ONE other since then. And use them everyday. Yes, both were mildly expensive, but i have totally gotten my money out of them. One i've had for 2 years, it still looks great, and I use it almost everyday.

So, in saying that. Add up all the purses you've bought for 12.99, or 29.99, or 5.99, in your entire purse buying career. Id rather spend the money on one purse that will last me a few years.

Im not saying you go buy purses like theyre going out of style, but Ive only ever owned 2 purses that I use religiously, both purchased within the last 2 years.

Besides...this post isnt about people owning expensive accessories...its about KIDS owning expensive accessories.

Scott said...

I don't get it either... when I was 12 I don't think that I regularly carried cash of any kind. Maybe a couple of bucks and a quarter but that was it. Strange world we are living in.


rawbean said...

It's really sad because when these kids get what they want, they have no satisfaction in actually earning money and buying it themselves. I splurge too once in awhile, but at least it's my damn money yo!

Princess Pessimism said...

Scott - I dont even think that I went OUT when I was 12. I think that i had sleep overs, and birthday parties. That was 1989/90 that I was 12....grade 7...ya. Totally, sleepovers, and birthday parties.

Rawbean - Thats what I do...i splurge. But its my money...I agree. There is no sense of value when everything is bought for you

Anonymous said...

I am well aware of how much I've spent on multiple purses, but I'm ok with it because I switch up my accessories, I get bored with one bag so I switch to another. I'm not going to judge you for buying an expensive bag, I may joke around, but if you really love something you're entitled to spend whatever you want on it, personally I haven't found anyhting that I love that much to spend that kind of money on...I'm holding out for my Manolos :P

Princess Pessimism said...

Dawwn - I never ever heard you talk about manolos as much as you have must be itching to buy a pair... :)

CC - Yes they most certianly are...

Anonymous said...

Seeing them in person at Holt has peaked my interest in day I will own a pair, that is my goal

Princess Pessimism said...

Dawn - Did we see them at holts?? I dont remember. Although, I DO remember seeing the Miu Miu shoes....and those lovely red sunglasses...They were so nice.

Slop - So nice of you to join us here, in my "not so funny" blog. :) ITs totally keeping up with the joneses...but usually its the parents who try to maintain imagees, now its srepading to their kids like a rabid sickness.

Jennifer said...

You guys are so old, 'kids these days!', in the next 5 years, you're all going to end up on your porch keeping any balls that land in your yards and shaking your canes at them till your dentures rattle!
Kids can have expensive things and be spoiled and they can not have expensive things and be spoiled, it's not about the amount of money you spend.
I work in a children's gallery at a museum, I see kids who are spoiled wearing cheap-ass stuff that I'd never be caught dead in, and spoiled kids wearing clothes I'd have to sell my body to afford. I see well behaved children in everything from hand-me-down crap to gucci. The only factor that determines a child's behavior is the behavior and attitude of the parent.

Princess Pessimism said...

Good point jennifer. and I totally agree. Having worked where I have worked, I totally believe Its more nurture, than nature