Tuesday, July 25, 2006

So i'm a bitch....whatev.

We've implemented the 5 Date Challenge.

There's an Article over at Ms. Ash's place, but I think the jist is go on 5 dates with anyone who asks you within a year just to meet new people, blah blah blah. There's supposed to be no rules, but we have standards. So, as far as we are going with this, they cant be friends, they must have teeth, and no mullets......And again. Our reasons are esthetic. Fuck we're shallow. But I digress.

After a crazy weekend out, I call up Ms. Ash on Sunday arond 11:30, and I go down to her place, to get her for lunch. We pick up a couple of other friends on the way.

After we're done, and on our way out, this man, he must have been at least 55, puts his arms out to Dawn. She offers him her take out, and he says "No, I want you"....we laugh *he's WRETCHED*, and with the conversation of the 5 Date Challenge not even being 48 hours old, I turn to him and say "You know, if you ask her on a date, she cant say no".

She turns to me and says "you're a horrible human being."

Its the 5 Date CHALLENGE. If it was meant to be easy, it would be called something else.


Anonymous said...

What if they have dentures, and you didn't realize until they pointed it out?

Princess Pessimism said...

We actually discussed this, believe it or not. Sitting around Fresco's with our Pina Coladas on Friday night.

I think that Dawn resolved that they have to prove that they cant take their teeth out before we say yes.

Anonymous said...

Thankfully that man did not ask me out and he actually apologized and said he was just having fun ICK! As for the fact that we're shallow, I don't think we're any worse than the majority of women in the same situation

Scott said...

A little shallowness is mandatory. Don't worry about it at all and best of luck to you all.


Princess Pessimism said...

Dawn - if he asked you out, I would have DIED.... But I agree about the being shallow bit. I doubt many women want to date guys without teeth.

Besides, scott says it's mandatory. There's the loophole. :)

Miss Ash said...

I would most likely date someone with dentures LOL, they probably look better than half the real teeth out there.

Why do i always go to the washroom at the most inopportune times, i would have died laughing when you said that to the man. I did die laughing back at the table when you told me.

Trib said...

Wow. I mean, wow. This is going to make for a wild year. Five dates with each person or just five in the course of the year?

Princess Pessimism said...

Ash - Actually, we wait until you're gone, and then are as funny as we can be, and THEN tell you all about it. =P

Trib - No, I think it's just 5 one time dates.....if it was 5, 5 time dates, i'd never agree.

Anonymous said...

According to the article on Ash's blog it can be multiple dates with the same guy if it's going well

Lindsey said...

Well I can't wait to see how it turns out! lol

SS said...

So, is she going out with him now? You better watch your back -- she could do the same thing to you =)

Miss Ash said...

Yes Dawn i read that as well. It really wouldn't make sense to have to go out with 4 other people if you've gone out with someone you enjoy. What if you found a mate in the first guy "oh sorry i have to date 4 more guys you won't mind will you?" LOL

rawbean said...

eww sounds like Dawn just barely dodged a bullet!

Good luck ladies!

I got a generic envelope in the mail today that said "still single?" "Fuck You!" I said and tossed it in the discard flyer pile.

Px said...

you're evil!

evil i tells ya!

goddammit i'm bored at work already and i've not been here an hour yet

Princess Pessimism said...

Dawn - Ya, i suppose, but I agree with Ash. If you date a guy thats good, and want to go on more dates with him, then you've found yourself a winner. No point in dating anyone else.

Linny - I thought you were in on this???

Sexy - NO!!! God no...LOL!!! But you know, if she did, i'd have been VERY proud of her...

Rawbean - She dodged the bullet that I tried to shoot at her. LOL!!!

CC - I try.

PX - Complaining already....well i'm here now. We can talk

Amichai said...

I've never asked a stranger out. I can't bring myself to go up to a girl I've never met and ask her out.

For some reason this quote pops in my head as applicable. "love your neighbers like you love yourself, but choose your neighborhood carefully."

If you have to say yes, make sure you don't go out anywhere too sketchy.

Princess Pessimism said...

amichai - youve never asked out a stranger??? Were all of your ex's friends first?

Natalia said...

Ohhh :)

If I wasn't already happily coupled I would totally do it.

At the very least it has to yield some funny stories :)


Princess Pessimism said...

Natalia - You're a couple with someone??? I thougt you were just going on dates not too long ago. What happened? Or was this written in one of your blogs, and I just dont remember. If yes, post the link

Natalia said...


I was sure you commented on Mr. Hagfish aka the boyfriend :)

If I am wrong, I'll send you the link.



Natalia said...


Yup you commented :) I just checked. I posted the pic of Mr. Hagfish and you said he had the Greg Kenear (sp?) thing going.


Phil said...

So if any guy asks any one of you out you have to say yes to at least one date? What if a blogger who lived within driving distance asked you out? Don't get your hopes up, I'm not suggesting me of course, but if any guy reading this asked you out you'd have to say yes? GTG, I've got some friends to contact...

Lindsey said...

Am I?

Does this mean I have to go out w/ the 4'0 ft tall guy that stares at my boobs at the Tavern?

Otherwise, that's the only date I'm likely to get.

Big Ben said...

What if the guy is married and asks for a date? What if he is a virgin who lives in Texas? What if he is extremely tall, has an obsession with boobies and is in a long term relationship?

Princess Pessimism said...

Nat - OHHH Yes. That's your boyfriend? He's definitely a cutie!!!

Phil - Are you suggesting that you have some cutie yank friends that you can send up so I can kick everyone's ass in this challenge?? Cause if its' you, I dont want to go. Arent you married??? HOWEVER, I think that if I have to leave the country to go on a date, it should count as 2. LOL!

Linny - YES, you're in. Who knows, you might get lucky in england...and like I just said to phil, if you're in another country, it counts as 2....LOL! But if that dude asks you, you cant say no...staring at your boobs isnt implying he wants to take you out, it just implies that he's disgusting.

Ben - i'd prefer if it he was within driving distance, and single.

Princess Pessimism said...

CC - Oh no no no. My Standards are still ridiculously high....i'm too picky for my own good.