Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Surviving my first week, and ponderables.

In the week that ive been home, ive spent loads of time suntanning, going out with my friends. Have had at least 2 drinks everyday, and have done more, out in one week, than Ive done since March. Its not that Windsor sucked, its just that I had a limited amount of people there to go out with. Here, my phone hasnt stopped ringing since last tuesday.....

In having all this time off, and living like a rockstar, Ive had a lot of time to do a lot of things.....I still havent started unpacking yet, but ive brought an entire apartment back to one bedroom, so ive got to clear the shit that I have out first before I start unpacking it all...its been a hassle, and ive started, but i'm working slowly at it.

Ive watched a few movies with friends, one of them being "A History of Violence". If you have not seen this movie, beware, Im going to ruin it for you, so stop reading if you really want to see this movie.

Im sorry, but this movie sucked. And Vigo looked like one of those pervy bar guys that sit around all day drinking beer..he turns out to be someone living in witness protection, whos had to change his identity, but after an incident at his diner, some of his old mob associates see him on the tele, and come after him.

This got me to thinking, and I wanted to ask. If you found out that you married someone who was in the witness protection program, and everything you thought you knew about them, turns out to be a lie, does this change the person that they were to you? Are you mad that they lied? Or is this the exception?


Amichai said...

I haven't seen the movie and I want to, thus I didn't read the rest of your post. But I felt like i should comment anyway (just bored I guess).

Yay home and fun!

Miss Ash said...

I hated that movie. Anyway, yes it would change everything if i found out my significant other wasn't who they said they were.

I wouldn't date a "reformed" killer knowingly, so if i found out after the fact then i would break that off.

Lindsey said...

First, without some FBI people showing up at my door (or worse...hitmen) I'd have a hard time believign him if he told me such a story. But if it were true...I'd still love him. His feelings aren't a lie...just his past.

Princess Pessimism said...

Amichai - I was just going to read your blog when I clicked on my own page...funny you're comment number one. I wished you had read the rest, it didnt give the entire movie away, just the basic wasnt worth the sorta sucked.

Ash - I big on the whole "no lying" thing...I just dont know if this would be my exception. I think id want to know why they were in WPP to begin with, and if it was a legitimate reason (eg. they had seen cops murder an innocent person, and testified against them, therefore having to move and assume a new identity for protection) I dont know, i might let it go...but they'd have to tell me absolutely everything....other than that, I dont know.

Princess Pessimism said...

Linny - I sorta agree with that. Which is why I said that it might be the exception, depending on the circumstances.

yrautca said...

I think it would change things for the worse for me. You cant trust anything they told you. They should have a program where a person in witness program can marry another in the program.

Princess Pessimism said...

yrautca - if that was the case, and I knew that I was marrying someone else in WPP, id want to know what they were in it for....It would never work for me, id be too curious all the time.

Trib said...

PP the rockstar! Yeah, I'd be pretty dismayed if I found out my mate had been lying even to me for all those years. I'd be downright pissed.

Ashley K. said...

hey, i dont know who u are but, u left a comment on my blog. yeah,i'm only 14 and i'm working on my book. its basically planning out my future. and my musical.. i have no idea wat its gonna be about... any ideas??? comment on my blog please

Princess Pessimism said...

Trib - thats right baby....autographs in the mail. Why would you be pissed though? feeling of betrayal? There's no loophole?

Ashley F - Ya...that kicks ass. you're 14 years old, and youve written a book. Thats insane

Josh said...

Good luck with the unpacking. The rockstar life is much more fun out of boxes.

I thought the movie was okay, but wouldn't watch it again. Too many creepy sex scenes.

I agree with you, if had been that long, I think I might just over look it. At what point do you stop being who you were. 10 years, 15 years? I'd hate to be compared to who I was 10 years ago.

Phil said...

Hi Princess- I wouldn't worry about my wife being in the witness protection program, I'm a guy, how picky can I be? BTW, I was in your neck of the woods over the weekend.

Scott said...

I think that I would stick it out. You had to fall in love with something right?? I thought that the movie was pretty weak as well.


Anonymous said...

Just a note about the movie...he wasn't actually in the WPP, he just left and started a new life as someone else, that said the movie still blew. And I don't think I'd be ok with finding out my husband was a known mobster and killer, that's a deal breaker I think

Anonymous said...

I think Dawn's right.

I saw the movie a looong time ago, so I thought maybe I was just a little fuzzy on the details, but I didn't remember anything about witness protection.

And BOY, Vigo needs facial hair to look good. He has a weak chin. But he does look good in LOTR.

Princess Pessimism said...

Liz - Ya...ive been living out of a suitcase even....My room is a disaster. I think im with you. I think I could overlook it becuase I know that im different than I was 10 years ago....i wouldnt want to be compared either.

Phil - What were you doing down here? hanging out with the golden boys I imagine. LOL!!!

Scott - Come on you work in social services...."you fell in love with something" doesnt always cut in in all circumstances. Sometimes its better to go....however, this is the exception, of course, depending on the situation

Princess Pessimism said...

Dawn - Okay okay, so he wasnt WPP, but the question still remains. Ya, I wouldnt want my WPP husband to be an ex killer, but maybe the same situation that I explained in my comment to ash, theres a loophole.

Bleph - I remember his wife asking if he was in the WPP, and he said no with shifty eyes...thats what stuck out in my memory

berly02 said...

I would be pissed. People go in that program so they won't be killed. Why would you marry someone and put them unknowingly in harm's way??
That's just selfish.

Anonymous said...

I think that would have to be a huge ass loophole for me to accept it, I am willing to admit that all situations are different but the fact remains your husband is a murderer, 10 yrs ago or now he's killed someone and I think that's bad

Princess Pessimism said...

Berly - So...people that are in WPP should never get married?

Dawn - In that movie. Yes, that was the case, but thats not every case of WPP. Murdering is not the primary reason for witness protection. like I said to ash, what if he was in WPP becuase he saw someone being murdered, and testified against the killer/mafia/cops whatever, and relocated for their own I said, loopholes.

berly02 said...

They should get married, but let the person know. If you can trust them enough with your life then you can trust them enough with that secret.

Princess Pessimism said...

berly - good point. and I totally agree with it.

Space said...


Trib said...

Nope, no exceptions. If the mob's after them I need to know to keep an eye out.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I don't think your loopholes work for me...if he's on the run from someone and in enough danger to justify WPP I don't want any part of that. Getting killed because someone you love lied to you doesn't sound liek my idea of love

Princess Pessimism said...

Space - Awesome!!! thanks for sharing.

Trib and Dawn - Okay, you both make valid points.....and I agree, it would be scary having someone maybe chase you because your spouse did whatever they did to be in WPP. Okay...maybe if my life was in jeopardy, there wouldnt be a loophole either....dunno. I thought one thing, but you both made a vaild I sorta agree, I never thought about it that way.

Anonymous said...


Princess Pessimism said...

Bleph - I LOVE cream of wheat....It makes great pancakes....

Anonymous said...

hey I just noticed that you come from I come from Ottawa really is a small world after all ....

Jennifer said...

I think if I'm going to marry someone, I want to know everything about them. Also, I'd be pissed that I was in danger and never knew it.
I watched 16 Blocks this weekend, it wasn't as bad as I expected.
Yrautca, I think there are flaws in your WPP dating program:
a) what if they match up people who might have motive to kill eachother, or exchange the information they gained about the location of another witness for their own benefit
b) aside from spouses, I doubt that there are very many women in the WPP