Wednesday, July 19, 2006

We all have our moments.

You know the ones i'm referring to...the ones where, despite our intelligence, we look like absolute morons.

Weither or not we sing the wrong lyrics to a song, because we thought they were saying something else (Eg. The song lyric "I ain't too proud to beg", someone once thought they were saying "I ain't too fried to bang"...and we laughed about it for a long time....and obviously still do). Or something else ridiculous along those lines.

I had one of those moments. I once thought that CNN stood for Canadian National News. I was so wrong, and still get tormented about it....I still dont know what CNN stands for.

I also went to see the first Spiderman movie with LD. I have never read a comic book, and have no clue who's who in the world of Stan Lee.

Half way through the movie, I see the bad guy, lean over to LD and say "Whats that guys name?" She whispers his name, and I say "Oh, thanks" even though I had no idea what she just said.

I lean over again, about 10 seconds later and say "The Green Lantern??" She whispers back "No" and them mumbles something inaudible. I say "Ohh...okay" even though I hadn't heard again.

About 15 seconds later I lean over and say "the Green Comet??", and she sighs and loudly says "GOBLIN" which point i'm sure someone sushed her....but it left me in a fit of giggles at my own stupidity.

So come on....fess up. I wanna hear your "stupid" moments.


SS said...

Oh, I have lots of those! The most recent example I can think of is that I always say "It's a moo point" instead of "It's a moot point." I do it on purpose (it's a Joey quote from "Friends"), but it turns out that everyone just thought I was stupid and didn't know any better but they were too embarassed to tell me. I'm sure I have better examples of times when I was actually just a big dork, but I can't think right now. I'll post again when I think of some...

Lindsey said...

For years I thought the song "Fat Bottom Girls" was "Flat Bottom Girls" and I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was about "Flat Bottom Girls that made the rockin' world go round."

Princess Pessimism said...

Sexy - LOL!!! Moo point. That's hilarious. If anyone ever corrects you, you should totally say "Uhh...thats what I said". And when they ask you to say it again, say moot. And then work "its a moo point" into the conversation again later on. LOL!!!

Linny - There's a song about girls with Fat butts???

Miss Ash said...

You already gave mine " I ain't too fried to bang" though i have countless.....

I was driving at 2am once and thought i saw my friends cousin and some guy walking down the street. I beeped and waved and stopped my car to give them a they walked closer i realized it was not her cousin. I was embarassed and they still wanted a ride regardless of who i was LOL.

I also mistook a guy playing Golden Tee for an old friend i went from kindergarten to highschool with. Melissa swore it was him *his back was to us* I went up and slapped him soooo hard on the back and said "hey" then he turned around and i wanted to die, i appologized and said i had the wrong was awful.

berly02 said...

I have a block on stupid moments right now. There are so many that I can't remember the details of any.

Scott said...

I would have to say my worse was downtown Toronto in the Queer Village and I got out of a meeting and a friend asked what I thought of it and I said, quite loudly, that it was "SO GAY." I got a few stares and I felt bad. I am not a homophob in any way at all but it just slipped out.


Princess Pessimism said...

Ash - LOL!!! I remember you telling me about that time you stopped your car. Did you give those people a ride? I cant recall.
Although I DO remember that strange woman you gave a ride to when you were going to work that day, and she was frantic, and you drove her home.

Slop - I thought you were going to stop making out with girls unless you were in a relationship.

Berly - Ya...i've had Way more stupid moments than just these two, but they happen so often, its hard to remember them all

Scott - Ohhh, I Also used to say that often, when referring to soemthing that was stupid, I would call it gay. And I never meant it in a derogatory way, and i'm not a homophobe either....i dont know why I started using that word like that.

Miss Ash said...

Of course i did not drive them home, i enjoy my life. When did i drive a frantic woman home???? Are you sure that was me, i don't generally give strangers rides....

Amichai said...

CNN = Cable News Network. It is based down in Georgia somewhere (Probably Atlanta) I think.

There was a good year and a half where I was ridiculed by my friends because every single girl I had a crush on and asked out, turned out to be gay. It was like four or five girls in a row. And it wasn't a "I'm saying I'm gay so I don't have to go out with him." I wound up (some not at all intentionally) meeting all their girlfriends.

Princess Pessimism said...

Ash - YES!!! it was when you were working at the top of clifton, and you said she was like some german woman, and was frantic about getting somewhere, and that she had to be there immediately. So you drove her home, and then she just got out of the car, and was like "thanks!!!" How do you not remember???

Amichai - Ya, that was like me, although mine werent gay, they were all professional DJ's. There was like 6 of them in a was crazy.

Natalia said...

I've had plenty. I blogged about the foreskin one...I think nothing tops that one in my history.

And I love the "moo point"


Anonymous said...

OMG I totally remembe the "Green Goblin" annoying! I think we all have those moments, they are the moments that make life amusing and keep you on your toes!

Princess Pessimism said...

Natalia - If you arent going to retell the story, you have to post a link to the blog you wrote. =)

Dawn - Annoying??? Come on. Is it only anoying becuase I didnt know who he was, and had to ask? Or annoying becuse I had to keep asking? Maybe you shouldnt mumble...LOL!!!! You wanna talk annoying. Sheesh. *kidding*

yrautca said...

A few years ago I was studying very hard for an exam and I had ceased contact with the outside world a few days – no TV, nothing. Right then they switched to day time saving but I had no idea. The day of the exam I woke up all ready. Exam started at 8am. I got there 7:30am and nobody was there. Then after a few minutes the supervisor came. She just went inside the room. 8am and still no one around. I was baffled. I got frustrated and asked the supervisor, when will the exam start. She gave me an angry look and said at 8am. I thought she was crazy and just waited for the exam to start.

Only after the exam was over I realized what had happened. I was so thankful that the time change made the exam later not earlier.

Princess Pessimism said...

Yrautca - Hahaha.....that happened to me once. I was studying super hard for midterms around halloween, and i was on such a strict schedule, that I didnt realize that it had been daylight savings, and when I woke up to go to the library, i got there an hour before it opened....

rawbean said...

I have so many of these moments but I can't think of any right now...dammit that's frustrating.

I think I blogged about this one: telling some girl who I thought was doing baby talk "what's with the voice?" Turns out nothing, that was her real voice. Totally thought it was fake.

Big Ben said...

Today I opened my fridge to an exploded can of pop. Patti didn't put it in there, so that only leaves me.

Trib said...

Anytime I get pimped on anything my mind goes blank. Even on easy questions.

Doctor: what's his heart rate?
Me: 60
Doctor: what kind of medication could do that?
Me: (thinking of anti-arrythmics, yadda yadda) .... (biting my lip, looking pensive)
Doctor: a beta blocker (major duh question)
Me: (nods)

When I tell everyone that story when I get to the question they always blurt out the answer further highlighting what a poser I am.

Princess Pessimism said...

Rawbean - Ya, I think I remember something about that. I know someone with a voice like that...she sounds like a muppet.

CC - Ive never heard of the adler planetarium....I woudnt have had any idea what that was.

Ben - LOL!!! i've done that. Well, someone at my house did that when I was having a party, and forgot about it, and when it exploded it sounded like a gunshot. It scared the shit out of me.

Trib - Well, if it makes you feel any better, I didnt shout out "beta blocker". I didnt know the answer. I dont know what a beta blocker is...but now I do.

Princess Pessimism said...

CC - LOL!!! Oh, I read your thing wrong. I thought you said you didnt feel like looking at planets, but you said plants. Yes, thats funny....LOL

Princess Pessimism said...

CC - I cant believe you commented again....I just came back here to click your blog to go over and read. You're too funny.