Sunday, April 30, 2006

Blogger Confessional© A break from the norm

Since its, sunday...its Confessional time. However, since this week was JAMMED with a whole lot of exams, and studying, and sleeping in late...I'll spare you the gory details. So I decided to do a confessional on a whole mish mash of things....I digress...

This week I:

- got 10 emails in one day...NINE of them were from bloggers. That made me laugh.

- Finished my exams, and secured my new degree...Congratulate me.

- Registered for my language requirements for teachers college...I was short 6 credit i have to spend the next 2 months in Introdcutory Italian, and introductory French. I took french grade 1-9, and Am about 2 easy A's.

- In a conversation I had with Jennifer the other day, she was talking about all the stories that she would like to post about my clumsiness on her blog. And yes, im a disaster when it comes to walking, as I have wiped out MANY times, and broken countless bones because of it. So, in thinking about this weeks confessional, since I had a relatively quiet week, I decided to tell these stories she was particularily giggly an effort to beat her to the punch.

We were at a bar, Arizonas. I had these ridiculously chunky heels on, but cute shoes none the less. So i'm sitting on a bar stool hanging out talking to my friends. My feet are down by the bottom of the stool where that bar that connects the legs are, and both of my heels are on one side of the bar, and the front of my shoes are on the other side, with the arch of my shoe resting on that the only way that I can stand up, is if I lift my shoes off the bar...Get it??? Anyway, something happens, I cant rememer what....but there was a lot of commotion and I tried to stand up quicker than I was able to, and i wound up wiping out, and grabbing onto Miss Ash on the way down. A few guys came over to see if I was okay...strangers mind friends were too busy laughing at me. I know its not as funny retelling it, as it was when it sorry about that...maybe this next story will make up for it.

We're at a bar, may have recently read about Big Ben's adventures at the same bar in Niagara....Anyway, we're out on the dance floor, and we're dancing away. I'm out there with our friend P, we're dancing away...and the next thing I know, this woman *who looked sort of like Jada pinkett Smith* Literally runs right at me and jumps on me, and grabs on to the back of my neck, and wraps her legs around my quads and starts trying to dance with me. It was like time stopped when this happened. I thought she was trying to make out with me...and the event that probably only lasted about 10 seconds, felt like forever. I barely recall what happened, as I completely forgot about this incident, until P mentioned it not that long ago....but i do remember both of us stop dancing, and me pushing her off of me...other than that...i dont know who else was around, or who else saw what....When it gets mentioned, they laugh, until they cant breathe...I imagine that if I had witnessed it, I also would be laughing until I was crying...but I barely remember the incident.

So thats it people...a lame confessional for this week, I have next week off, and have to start packing to move to niagara, and for vegas. OHHH too excited....happy sunday everyone


Jennifer said...

Oh God, I'm crying, I'm laughing so hard!
I think you should point out in the Arizona's story that several strangers tried to help you and everyone around looked concerned while you were floundering around on the floor with all the beer bottles and plastic cups while the rest of us were holding our sides and holding eachother up we were laughing so hard.

As for the Rumours story, you'd forgotten about 'the mounting' until we were out one night a year or two later and P pointed Jada Pinkett out at the bar.

Princess Pessimism said...

Jennifer - Jada Pinkett Was there again??? I dont ever remember seeing her again.

Well...Im glad to make you laugh, however, I think that these stories might be ones that turn out to be "you had to be there" type stories!

Big Ben said...

Too bad no Jada Pinkett chick jumped on me!

Trib said...

Nice work on the degree! With all that falling you should remember to take your calcium!

Princess Pessimism said...

Ben - LOL!!! It wasnt that me.

Trib - Calcium supplements? You sound like my doctor...they sent me osteoperosis tests fine. I am horrible with pills....and hate milk. Any other suggestions?

Trib said...

I'd say Viactiv, but you might be allergic. Yogurt? It's hard to get enough with just the food you eat unless you like dairy.

Princess Pessimism said...

Trib - I dont like dairy....not really. And I assume that ice cream is out. LOL!! But I do like yogurt.

rawbean said...

Why did the girl try and mount you? That is the craziest/creepiest thing ever. No wonder you have mentally blocked it!

Congrats on schooo

Jennifer said...

Either you bumped your head or you are seriously in denial. Don't you rememer, P said, "Hey, isn't that the chick who mounted you that time at Rumours?!" And then you laughed until you cried and said you'd forgotten all about it.
If PP doesn't rebreak her ankle while we are in Vegas, then I'm sure she'll break a hip.

yrautca said...

LOL...PP...that was hilarious. I did get the picture. So you like to wear high heels and dont know how to handle them? Hahahahaha.

The second story although very funny is kind of "wierd". Did she really wrap her body around yours? How could she? Was she serious?

Too funny.

Princess Pessimism said...

Rawbean - It was easily in my top 10 of most bizarre things that have ever happened to me.

Jennifer - I dont plan on breaking anything....Not this time anyway. Ugh, could you IMAGINE?? I'll have to be extra careful at the GC.

Liz - I have NO idea why she did that...I have NO clue. And If I did, it might either add or take away from the fact that it actually happened.

Yrautca - Ya...thoes big heels? Im useless...And as for that girl. She seriously wrapped herself around me. Wierdo.

Miss Ash said...

I was bent over laughing at Arizona's and could not possibly help you up. That's what strangers are for LOL.

I missed the girl mount you but i remember also laughing very hard when i heard what had happened.

I also recall the time you told me about penny gumballs in a store. You brought lots and lots of penny's and a shopping bag. PP sat in the store for like 20 mins, putting in one penny after the other and placing all the gumballs in her empty bag. The cashier just stared as it was one of those candy machines where most people would buy one, maybe two. We then went to lunch and on our way out, PP tripped and the gumballs went rolling all over the entrance to the restaurant. I'm laughing so hard right now!!!

She was also a stop sign for Halloween one year, and tripped over a driveway curb :P

Princess Pessimism said...

OHHH Miss Ash - You were there that day with the gumballs....we went for lunch with Jen and tara remember???

But thank you for reminding me of those stories...That time at halloween, I forgot about candy went everywhere...

OHHH you're the sweetest friend ever!!

Trib said...

That gumball story is hilarious! And I'm kinda impressed that as susceptible as you are to gravity, you stayed upright while getting mounted by Jada.

Scott said...

Hillarious post! Congrats on the degree and enjoy your time in Vegas then back home in Niagara.



Princess Pessimism said...

Trib - LOL!!! Susceptible to gravity...TOO FUNNY

Scott - Thanks buddy...

**Maybe I should repost that gumball story...i totally forgot about that one

berly02 said...


And lol at the Arizona's bar story. When do you leave for Vegas?

Princess Pessimism said...

Berly - We leave In 9 days...and I just booked our car, so that we can drive to the Grand canyon...HORRAY!!!

Jennifer said...

I'm dying I'm laughing so hard!
I can totally picture a shopping bag full of gum balls all over the place!
You were a stop sign for halloween? That's so funny.
My little brother was a robot one year, the torso of the costume was a cardboard box with armholes cut out. When he inevitably fell on the path to someone's house, he was like a bug on it's back, arms and legs flailing, it was so funny.

Princess Pessimism said...

Oh laugh at me all the time, about me and my tripping

Anonymous said...

Maybe Miss Ash should write a blog about her clumsy experiences as well...I'm pretty sure I could write a book about them. That night at Arizona's was hilarious I remember it well and again I have been left laughing out loud at work and looking completley ridiculous.

Princess Pessimism said...

DAWN....LOL. SO NICE of you to join in the teasing...Hunny, i booked the car. We're all set for the GC!! WOO HOO

Princess Pessimism said...

And I AGREE that Miss Ash AND jennifer should BOTH post about their experiences, Ive got a few Miss Ash stories myself.

Jennifer said...

Like the time Ash fell down all those stairs at the Dance Cave and landed at the feet of the bouncer?

Jennifer said...

On her face, at the feet of the bouncer

Princess Pessimism said...

Jenni - the thing that most people dont know about the dance cave, unless theyve been, is that there are multiple stairs...its not just like 2 or 3, but like 15 per staricase. So she basically skidded down the stairs, and landed on her face, at the foot of the bouncer

Miss Ash said...

Good Lord!!! I forgot about the Dance Cave, i do recall Arizona's though when i fell in the field, and at the Kingdom off the stage, and infront of the Phoenix....i could go on foever. I'll post about my clumsiness after i post about my meeting with Jeff Martin!!!!!! YAY!!!!

Phil said...

Congrats on your new degree and finishing finals. Loved the stories.

SS said...

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who can't seem to stand on her own two feet without falling or otherwise making an ass out of herself. Yeah for the clumsy gals!

Princess Pessimism said...

Phil - Thanks buddy...And as you know, i'm headed back in your school in day after class, i'll head down to rochester. Driving time me. We'll see how long it takes. LOL

S.Subs - WOO HOO...clumsy girls sticking together..LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

Oh Miss Ash don't forget the night at Oliver's Twist when one minute you were standing at the bar and the next you were on the floor for no apparent reason...and that night outside of the Phoenix and that night...oh I could go on forever