Thursday, September 08, 2005

A little sacriligious fun for those i'll meet in hell

My place is ALL done, my Messneger works, and my first class is in 2 hours. Now, all I have to do is get something in my fridge BESIDES a case of water, and i'm golden.

I wanted to share this with all of you. Its fun, but it is SURE to offend those of you out there who love jesus. If you Love the lord....dont even bother with this....

Have Fun Here All you have to do is click and drag......

See you all in hell!


Natalia said...

OMG That was hilarious and I am sure someone will complain about the site eventually :)


Princess Pessimism said...

It's just for dad was born in italy, and is straight off the boat hard core catholic. I went to catholic school from JK until I went to university.....Its all in good fun. Religion requires a sense of could it not, no premarital sex, no divorce, commandments, confession? COME ON? how strict can one religion be? And since Catholic religion doesnt have a sense of humor that it's aware of....that's what the link is for....LOL!

Katie said...

i dont like it very much. but you are right a little fun never hurt anyone.

Px said...

you're all coming to see me???

oh you mean THAT hell...


i like the dress up katie said, a little fun never hurt anyone

and seeing as i don't do religion, i'm not going to's all bueno

Anonymous said...

He he, I think I've seen this before, but it's fun to revisit.

I think he (yes, lowercased) looks good in Daisy Dukes & Sports Bra w/ Bunny Slippers!

I have no problem with believing in a god or higher power, but religion is dangerous. Most wars are fought in the name of religion.

Lindsey said...

Oh that's terrible!!! Lol! You're gonna get some nasties!!!

I'm glad you're place is together, now you don' have to stress and you can have some peace of mind.

Clay said...

lol - that was funny!!! be sure to chekc out on my blog!

Princess Pessimism said...

No religious protesters yet...

Glad you all liked it....Except for YOU Katie....LOL...joking.

SS said...

I love it! But, I doubt that dressing up Jesus will get you a one-way ticket to Hell. Besides, if you're Catholic can't you just ask for forgiveness at confession? I thought that was the selling point of Catholicism -- all is forgiven. Nah, I think you’re fine. It’s good to have some harmless fun.

Princess Pessimism said...

Sexy Suburbanite...LOL...No no, you've got it mistaken. Its the "Deathbed Repentance" that saves you, not confession...LOL

Phil said...

LOL! That was funny. Don't worry, I'm sure God has a sense of humor. If he didn't I'd have been struck by lightning almost daily for much of my life. But I guess that just goes to show that I'm his favorite. I'll put a good word in for you.

Anonymous said...

There will be a mansion there waiting for all of us....Glad you made it to Windsor in one piece

Katie said...

thanks a lot, I see wear I stand now!! LOL jk

Katie said...
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Princess Pessimism said...

Mis Ash...My Hell mansion will be next to yours And Dawns! LOL Mine's getting additions built on it DAILY...which reminds me...It was a TYB MARATHON today. LOL I thought of you fondly!

Phil..or should I say SAINT phil, LOL...if you're in that good, I've got a few friends....well, more like 20 that need a good word as well, see what you can do.

Katie....awww girl, it's all in good fun!

Katie said...

lol, i know...i'm just playin with ya

Princess Pessimism said...

Katie...Good, Glad to see that that good sense of humor runs in your family. LOL!

Px said...

i just checked out your 7's thing after what you said and you're so right about the whole kindred spirits thing, when i read yours i realised that
i'll teach you to weed-whack and a few other things that you can't do that i can if you cook for me

Princess Pessimism said...

PX....All I have to do is cook? You're on!!! But we'd need to hire a financial advisor by the sounds of it. LOL

Px said...

a financial advisor
i can cope...i'm good at math(s) just i like to spend my money

Princess Pessimism said...

PX...Me too...a scorpio trait perhaps...Impulse shopping and excess spending

Px said...

guess it must be a scorpio thing, i'm a nightmare with the impulse buying and the excessive shopping

Princess Pessimism said...

Its a curse I think...Sigh...i'm hopeless sometimes I think

Px said...

join the club

Princess Pessimism said...

Theres a CLUB??? I was unaware....where do I sign up?

Px said...

it's not a good club, all the members are skint and can't afford their fees because they are always out impulse buying

Princess Pessimism said...

LOL!!! you make me laugh.

Px said...

that can only be a good thing right

Princess Pessimism said...

its a good thing. =)

Px said...

wicked that's ok then

i don't want to alienate anyone else tonight

Princess Pessimism said...

Why...who did you alienate?

Px said...

long story

Princess Pessimism said...

Come on...too long for blogging? LOL..i'm intrigued

Px said...
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Px said...

long story...get it?

Princess Pessimism said...

Woah...sorry....didnt mean to offend

Px said...

lol you didn't and i'm sorry if you got that impression
i deleted a post

Princess Pessimism said...

I saw that....and I gotcha...long story....even for kindred spirits.

Px said...


Princess Pessimism said...

Alright then.

Px said...
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