Thursday, August 18, 2005

Antiques Roadshow???

Okay...I'll admit it, today, I watched this show. See I rarely watch TV, and for those of you who know me...YES, I really turned my TV on.

It's amazing to me the crap these people bring onto this show thats not only worth money, but it's worth a LOT of this one woman had this doll, this scraggly raggety looking doll that was REALLY creepy. It was worth 15.000 dollars. FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. Honestly, it's something that I probably would have thrown away....

The Antiques Roadshow taught me 2 things.

1. It ENCOURAGES people to be packrats. I am by no means, of the definition, a packrat, I donate everything, or throw it away. If I havent used it in a year, i'll never use it again. But now that i'm thinking of all of the things that i've gotten rid of...could any of it have been worth anything? I highly doubt it, but never know.....LOL...the Mantra of the pack rat...."YOU NEVER KNOW". Please, if I was stupid enough to throw something away that was worth 15.000 dollars, then I'm too stupid to deserve the money.

2. It teaches us to reevaluate EVERYTHING that we see out there, wherever you might find has people searching through yard sales like they're digging for gold. Allow me to remind you that a lot of people watch this show, and the people that watch it, watch it RELIGIOUSLY....the people that love it, REALLY LOVE IT. And they all watch it, and watch eachother....they eyeball eachother at antique stores...they skulk around the stores...sneaking around watching to see what other people are buying or trading in, thinking "Maybe that's worth something"...these are the people that make my day. These are the people that are looking for the needle in the haystack....the thing that's going to make them rich beyond their wildest dreams.....

I wonder what crap we own, in this generation, is going to be worth something one REALLY worth something. Furbies? Beanie Babies? X Box? Happy Meal Toys? Garden Gnomes?....I know I dont have any of that crap, i'm not a collector by nature....but I think I have some oven mits that might be vintage...


Princess Pessimism said...

it's sad, but my mother has all my toys frm MCdonalds, burger king and wendies saved up for me , wanna go and that show and cash in my winnings or what, come on , i know you want to .

Princess Pessimism said...

P.S: don't forget teh trolls with the hair that you shake and it goes everywhere, barbie, GI JOE, transformers, TMNT, and above all else thundercats

Lindsey said...

Ok...I'll admit it. I love Antiques Roadshow and I have gone as far as to scoure my apartment searching for things that may be valuable. I'm such a dork.

Phil said...

I think those people who spend a good chunk of their days going to garage sales to try to find valuable junk should just think about the constructive things they could be doing with their time. What a waste of time and energy. That's not enjoying the ride through life. That's stopping at every freakin' rest stop to check out the bathroom.

Princess Pessimism said...

You know what? As a kid, I had all those star wars toys...I had the darth vader helmet that kept my action figures inside of it...but you know what? I was a Kid, and I played with all of them, until they broke. Mine never would have been worth ANYTHING...

And you know what Phil, I completely agree 100%. Like I said, it's the needle in the haystack....getting the MOST money for the least amount of effort....Ahh...The American Dream....LOL

popfizz said...

anytime i can sell my junk to someone for ungodly amounts of cold hard cash.. count me in.

joy said...

Everytime I watch Antiques Roadshow I'm reminded of the day my mom threw out this old Coca Cola pop machine we had in our basement. It was soooo old - the cost of the bottle was 5 cents! Later we found out that it was worth around $8000...and that was in the late 80's! I acually didn't care too much for the money - I just thought it was a neato thing to have. :)

Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

I really love your blog! I also really love Antiques Roadshow. I think I am a packrat, but not that bad. Thanks for the funny post!

Mr. RN said...

honestly, i dont know why people do it, but it bugs the shit out of me. i honestly believe that in this life what counts the most is what you can take within you, wherever you go, AND the legacy you leave behind when you die.

Id rather leave a lasting legacy for others than to leave them a bunch of my old crap that i was so in love with and they'll just turn around and sell.


Heather Hansen said...

Let's take this whole thought one step further... the only reason this crap is worth money is because there are people who want to PAY that much for it. That's where the focus should be... what idot PAYS that kind of money for a creepy doll?!